Eric Lagergren

Ever since I was little, I’ve been fascinated by stones. Wandering around in nature, on a constant treasure hunt for what the Earth has created, is wonderful. When you’re out looking for stones, you’re often searching in old mining areas. Mining areas are very special places filled with history and traces of human impact. The… Continue reading Eric Lagergren

Alice Raak

I want to create an explosion of metal and let the properties of aluminium shine. The light this metal emits oscillates between surreal and fragile, and brutal and hard. The intervening shapes take space and bulge out. With a chisel, I hammer out subjects. The eight reliefs together form a decorative composition in which the… Continue reading Alice Raak

Simon Lezbedi

‘Neplanta is the unknown world, and living in this liminal zone means living in a constant state of displacement – an uncomfortable, acute sensation. Many of us live in neplanta so much of the time that it becomes a sort of “home”’.* *Mara Lee, När andra skriver (When Others Write), 2014. An intimate address lays… Continue reading Simon Lezbedi

Paulina Svarvare Petrén

I find myself struggling with being human, feeling, thinking and expression. In my work, I allow myself to test my thoughts, ideas and feelings in the physical world within a frame where nothing needs to be clarified or set in stone. My work is an act of anchoring. I need to anchor myself in this… Continue reading Paulina Svarvare Petrén

Kira Vertebra

Veiled Thresholds: Whispers Between Eros and Peril probes the complex nature of intense emotional ties that blend deep affection with potential destruction. The installation invites viewers to confront the unseen layers of love, providing a space to articulate the profound and often unspoken experiences within such relationships. This contemplative journey questions the balance between love’s… Continue reading Kira Vertebra

Nanni Johanna Söderberg

My work has evolved into a search for the unknown, unlimited and undefined. A peripheral space of “un-existence”, an inner room or a vessel that comes into existence first when it’s filled with content. When I explore the progression, limits and translations of matter and thought, old and new processes are brought together. It is… Continue reading Nanni Johanna Söderberg

Hannah Nittnaus

I am seeking an intensity that I lack. I have suffered a sensuous and emotional adult rheumatism. Adult life can bring a sense of muteness and numbness. Nothing feels as strong any longer. I only skim and half-listen, watch TV shows with only one eye, check my mobile with the other. Everything is half-hearted. It… Continue reading Hannah Nittnaus

Emelié Farkas


In my degree project Prologue: The King of the Forest, I want to show how the human drama plays out in the forest. There, in my fairy tale worlds, there are both animals and nature. Sometimes people I meet become animals and get to be part of my artistic tale. I want to bring our… Continue reading Emelié Farkas

Ellen Aduofua Bernardsson

As the firstborn, I was traditionally named Aduofua after my grandfather, Solomon Aduo. My only connection to him is an old, faded photograph, and the stories of his work in woodcraft. When I discovered ceramics, my mother told me that my great-grandmother, Nana Anima, was a potter and basket weaver by trade. Though we never… Continue reading Ellen Aduofua Bernardsson