Hannah Klein

The list of why air conditioners harm the environment is long: high energy consumption, the use of greenhouse gases as refrigerants, its contribution to the urban heat island effect, and the list goes on. Demand for air conditioning is expected to triple by 2050 as the climate crisis continues. In this degree project, I explore… Continue reading Hannah Klein

Hanna Landström

For centuries, the fireplace was the integral part of a home and usually its central and most important feature. How could objects that once brought us together around warmth continue to evolve? How then would we have recognised heat? My degree project explores a parallel reality where heat is not hidden in complex systems, where… Continue reading Hanna Landström

falk olavi schröter

What do you do when your education prepares you for a world that should not exist? design_destruct is a look at industrial design education, straight from the source; it tries to understand the relationship between conscious, radical intentions and the continued embracing of a status quo that upholds and deepens structures of destruction. It focuses… Continue reading falk olavi schröter

Elin Kalldin Wikström

Wetlands play an important role in promoting biodiversity, water purification and climate control. In my degree project, I have reflected on the Anthropocene – the epoch we are currently in – in which human impact is having a devastating effect on the planet’s ecosystem. By creating an artificial wetland, I want to raise awareness of… Continue reading Elin Kalldin Wikström

Anne Kleine Vennekate

Due to eutrophication, overfishing, pollution, rising temperatures, and dredging, natural habitats in the Baltic Sea have been destroyed over the last decades, and many populations have declined. To regain biodiversity and important ecosystems, we need to make a change now. One way to restore these natural habitats is to imitate them by using artificial structures… Continue reading Anne Kleine Vennekate

Turid Elgenäs Lindholm

My work explores the ability of colour to speak with the human body. The work depicts an interaction between two poles: the colours red and blue. Two diametric opposites. I study what happens with the colour’s integrity when the border is diffused and the two colours melt into one another. Who can point out exactly… Continue reading Turid Elgenäs Lindholm

Categorized as Textiles

Sun Bjers

Everything in the room, including time, falls into a haze. The only thing visible are the threads between my hands and the only thing felt is my constant repetition of four different movements. Words are not needed. Weaving makes me silent with joy. I repeat and I live. In July 2023 The Perception of Silence… Continue reading Sun Bjers

Categorized as Textiles

Sara Edengréen

Inside the sauna, we sit high up on the bench. There are steps up to it, and beside it hang wooden channels where the water flows down to the stones and evokes löyly, the spirit of the sauna. The only light that exists in the sauna is the glow from the fire. When I was… Continue reading Sara Edengréen

Categorized as Textiles

Ronja Joensuu

My degree project is about our love/hate relationship with lawns: a study of my fascination with the importance of the lawn and its iron-hold grip on us. A grip that has created mania, conflicts and obsession. I am fascinated by how quickly rumours start when someone stops caring about their lawn, and the envy when… Continue reading Ronja Joensuu

Klara Djamila Kassman Soukkan

I am matter, you are matter, we are time. We don’t question using hair from animals. The human hair on our scalps is often nurtured and can have high identity value, reflect our history, culture and status. When hair separates from our scalps, it often creates disgust towards what was once a part of ourselves.… Continue reading Klara Djamila Kassman Soukkan

Categorized as Textiles