Hanna Järgenstedt

A road movie about Hanna, who’s totally connecting with a hot DJ-guy in Berlin and is heading down to his gig, but misses the train, leading to an unwanted road trip. Will Hanna and dj___snorksenzation__000 become an official couple tonight? What’s cool and who´s not? Are all middle-aged men perverts? A visually explorative movie where… Continue reading Hanna Järgenstedt

Flora Liedgren

I am looking at the world and it looks back at me. The gaze follows everything I do. I save what I see. The world is decorated. I stand in front of the copier. The papers are warm. I’m an alchemist. I make gold and eternal life. Everything turns into drawings. The lines are alive.… Continue reading Flora Liedgren

Elina Berglund

Memory foam is a book about insignificant places and things. It is about memories of moments that did not really mean anything and that did not change anything. Moments that did not have any consequences, where nothing happened, nothing came from them, but for some reason stuck with me. Things like waiting, being bored, riding… Continue reading Elina Berglund

Arvid Ullberg

An illustrated collection of texts based on themes such as time, space and loss. By going through diaries, mobile phone notes and sketchpads from recent years, I sort through my own archive. In the process, I spend time with parts of myself that I have received from people I have lost. The work becomes a… Continue reading Arvid Ullberg

Anna Dehlvin

En ny stig is a picture book about everyday life, routine, well-trodden paths and what happens when you take a new path. But most of all, it’s a story about finding a friend. I delve into and explore my visual language and using it I want to create a world and a tone in my… Continue reading Anna Dehlvin

Andreas Braun

I have studied the graphic design of Swedish authorities and mixed it with the visual expressions of heavy metal music. By combining these two, I’ve chosen to lay bare powerlessness and the individuals who are in need of the authorities’ help and services. The authorities force the individual into a mould, regardless of whether or… Continue reading Andreas Braun

Amanda Jonsson

I think that there is a place between the hand and the head, a sort of inner space. I want to be there. Step into my visual world and explore the images, characters and places I return to when I draw intuitively. When my hand is given free rein and I don’t know what it… Continue reading Amanda Jonsson

Wilma Hultgren

Homesickness, a feeling often associated with nostalgia and longing for a place which is special to us, can warp the memory image from the real into something beautiful, warm and better. Our memories tend to keep the positive and emotional aspects, while forgetting or diminishing the unpleasant. In LandsbygdsAura I present a memory transformed in… Continue reading Wilma Hultgren

Categorized as Fine Art

Viola Sparre

In her artistic practice, Viola explores motherhood, childhood, the home, and the relationships between these. Through figurative painting, she portrays the people closest to her. In her artistry, she strives to depict the complex dynamics in family relationships and the many nuances of emotions contained therein. By weaving together different timelines, she enables encounters between… Continue reading Viola Sparre

Categorized as Fine Art