Astrid Apelgren Backlöf

The crypt in Stockholm Cathedral has long stood empty. There, far below the cobblestones of the Old Town, I have created an exhibition for my degree project using objects from the Medieval Museum’s collection. In this work, the crypt becomes an experimental addition to the museum’s permanent exhibitions and tells several parallel stories about Stockholm’s… Continue reading Astrid Apelgren Backlöf

Aksel Hahn

Climate change means that arable land will shrink and be redistributed globally. Through small-scale agriculture, urban populations can become more resilient to changes in a global food industry. A general popular interest in farming would benefit from being treated as part of common knowledge, rather than being viewed as a hobby for some. The modern… Continue reading Aksel Hahn

Yuliia Vashchenko

Breathe in the fragrance of childhood, where innocence reigns at age five. Step into my world, where symbols reflect the past, forging deep connections. Here, shed all restrictions; judgments find no place. Feel safe amidst memories’ embrace. Smile, for though summer beckons change, you’ve journeyed far beyond… I want to revisit the past by incorporating… Continue reading Yuliia Vashchenko

Stina Karlberg

I’m looking for letters. It’s a little like learning how to read, suddenly there are signs to decipher everywhere. In the asphalt, in the trees, in the fences, in the paving stones. I gather what I find along the road. Everything is or can become a letter.

Moa Edvinsson

In my degree project, I explore the feelings that come with gaining new insights about oneself. What is it like to discover something that has always been there but subconsciously hidden away? Navigating a diagnosis after one’s formative years? I explore the realisation of being autistic and how undramatic that realisation is. This degree project… Continue reading Moa Edvinsson

Michelle Nafar

In my project I have explored a 3D world using stop motion technology as inspiration. The film revolves around two neighbors and their different relationships to each other. A crazy cat lady, a pop star and late rent. Dreams that go too far, untrue truths and the friction between them.

Lou Lundkvist

A collection of comics and illustrations about living for a long time without explanations and an understanding of yourself, about getting diagnosed as an adult and everything that comes with it. About a world that chafes, that needs to be faced wearing armour. About insights, waiting, and navigating healthcare meetings and everyday life. Based on… Continue reading Lou Lundkvist

Julia Chew

The waves crash against an abandoned lighthouse. The shipwrecked lighthouse master knows that the light can stretch 19 kilometres. Beyond that, it is dark. In the black of night, a darkened house is filled with daylight. A desolate lighthouse and a derelict house on an island became the starting point for my animated short film.… Continue reading Julia Chew