Lukas Carpelan


In 1901, the train came to Österlen. The small village Vitaby, got a station, a hotel, several banks and a country store. Time changes, and in 2016 the country store closed. From previously being the village’s centre, the country store must now cater to new demands. This degree project proposes a meeting place for concerts,… Continue reading Lukas Carpelan

Kajsa Eriksson

Our bodies and movements are in constant interaction with the environment around us. Architecture comes alive when we move within it. The rooms in which we live and move affect us bodily and existentially. My degree project focuses on space, body and atmosphere and how they relate to each other. The project is rooted in… Continue reading Kajsa Eriksson

Julia Jonsson

Creating a good dining table involves fulfilling a need, ensuring versatility in multiple homes, and an understanding of the product. Today, it is crucial to create lasting and thoughtful furniture, but how can my design promote sustainability and aesthetic value? How do we justify creating new items when we already have plenty? My goal is… Continue reading Julia Jonsson

Isolde Berg

After a year in Milan where I spent many hours in a restaurant, I was fascinated by how they used their space. I was inspired to investigate how the functions and pace of the business changed from early morning to late evening, from a standing coffee at the bar to the last bite at the… Continue reading Isolde Berg

Emma Walter

How can emerging tools for spatial documentation act as generative methods in design processes within interior architecture and furniture design? How can the notion of the private and the spaces it inhabits be challenged through these digital tools? Spatial Translations explores digital point clouds and the laser scanning of interior spaces. This tool is used… Continue reading Emma Walter

David Ivarsson

If architecture is a reflection of our contemporary society, then the home must be a reflection of our way of life. So, is it the architect who determines how we live, or is it how we live that determines how the architect designs? Unfortunately, neither the inhabitant nor the architect controls this; it is the… Continue reading David Ivarsson

Clara Möller

The mall in Eskilstuna is undergoing changes in line with the transformational journey that downtown commerce is facing today. Must a mall be dedicated solely to consumption? Like many cities, Eskilstuna is affected by the changes in commerce, leaving the city deserted. Retuna, situated outside Eskilstuna, collaborates with the nearby recycling centre, specialising in up-cycling… Continue reading Clara Möller

Carl Lindström

The last 100 years have seen an explosion in the numbers and varieties of objects. As real flora and fauna have declined, artificial species of objects have grown wild. But there is a lack of understanding of the origin, ontology and fate of these objects. They are coherent systems, rarely directly experienced; this makes them… Continue reading Carl Lindström

Callum Miller

My degree project is an interdisciplinary design proposal, focused on creating interventions in response to the climate crisis, urban densification, and public health. These issues are being approached through the implementation of cycling infrastructure, the redistribution of street space, and by lowering the barrier of entry to cycling. The project addresses the issue from three… Continue reading Callum Miller