Diana Larsén

There are different resources and methods for showing how one understands the world and one’s learning. We use different signs to communicate. These can include speech, body language, images, colours, sounds, or a combination of all of these. As a future teacher, I want to investigate how moving images are used and understood as a… Continue reading Diana Larsén

Axel Mannström

Before the algorithm, you remain constantly observed. It finds interest in every action, as well as what you refrain from. It controls and filters, presenting what it believes you want to see. Despite this, we stay, why? Why do you remain here? What role do we play in the world of algorithms?

Alexandra JS

In Beyond White Papers, I depict a journey through the complex teenage world, where I examine creativity and materiality. By using alternative materials and approaches to artistic expressions, I seek understanding for how these can enrich students’ creative processes. By portraying myself as a teenager, I reflect on my own experiences of trauma and creativity,… Continue reading Alexandra JS

Andrea Langendorf

Processed with VSCO with g3 preset

We have a language that we have in common and that is what is such an advantage for us, that we can express ourselves with images. In Swedish schools today, practical-aesthetic subjects, which include art, are one of the first subjects that newly-arrived students participate in with their regular class.* The students come from different… Continue reading Andrea Langendorf

Zander Vind

As a sculptor, Zander Vind explores the potential of the intimate and the personal. The work takes on a micro perspective on living with mental illness and employs hobbyist sculpture as a concept that mirrors the care present in both recovery and in the making of small-scale objects. He employs a renegotiation, transformation, and rearrangement… Continue reading Zander Vind

Categorized as Fine Art

Leo Porramet Jittaksa

Where I came from, Love is being used as a political weapon, to silence, to censor and even to kill because we have been instilled with a profound feeling; a peculiar combination of Love and Fear that I wouldn’t dare to write here, so much so something has to remain untouchable. Maybe there is something… Continue reading Leo Porramet Jittaksa

Categorized as Fine Art

Matilda Söderberg

[epitome = a person or thing that is a perfect example of a particular quality or type] Epitome in 60 Parts is an assembly of inflated renderings springing from the surface of an industrial robot arm. Originating in a piece of equipment installed in the workshops at Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design –… Continue reading Matilda Söderberg

Categorized as Fine Art

Josefina Anjou

I call my land, this line “Timeline”, not because we call it so, (we call it Plane) but to make its nature clearer for you, my happy visitors, who are privileged to live in it (in Time). Imagine a vast stretch of canvas in which Straight Lines, Triangles, Squares, Pentagons, Hexagons, and other figures, instead… Continue reading Josefina Anjou

Categorized as Fine Art