Felicia Faller

As part of my degree project, I have, along with Moa Ishizaki, Andrea Langendorf and Lisa Sandström, chosen to conduct a symposium in visual arts education: a platform in which we invite didactic conversations. The background of my work is based on the 2023 art biennial in Gothenburg that interpreted the concept of queer, re-examined… Continue reading Felicia Faller

Erik Norrman

My degree project examines the teacher’s perspective on group work in education with a focus on assessment. The informants in the study are active teachers in art or media at upper secondary school. In interviews, they have described situations, experiences and consequences of group work, where they highlight the benefits and challenges of group work… Continue reading Erik Norrman

Emma Nylander

In my degree project, I’ve worked with the public, democratic space and the images we encounter there. The images I took an interest in have primarily comprised street art, such as murals, graffiti and tagging, as well as commercial images, with or without artistic elements. These images have formed the starting point for conversations with… Continue reading Emma Nylander

Emma Newstam

Multilingual students are more of a rule than an exception in today’s classrooms. There are often also recently arrived students who are completely new to the Swedish language. The aim of this study was to find out how a transdisciplinary work between the subject of visual arts and Swedish as second language using multimodal strategies… Continue reading Emma Newstam

Emma Marklund

How can we approach more-than-humans within the framework of art education? Perspectives. If… if we try, can we think differently? Human/other animal relations could and should be endlessly problematised. If we try, can we see differently? If we try, are there different things to hear? In my degree project, I have been exploring new (sometimes… Continue reading Emma Marklund

Emelie McBay

We live in a society where we ourselves become commodities. We have to stay attractive, educated and available to employers. Our whole social context and our identities are based on different types of consumption. This dual approach, to be both the commodity and the consumer, might be most clearly displayed through social media. In the… Continue reading Emelie McBay