Andreas Almebäck

Finding balance is the theme I explore in my practice. How do we use our time? We have more free time than ever, but we perceive that we have less. The human cost of progress has taken many forms. We have created civilised societies; however, the price of our progress is stress. Stress rises as… Continue reading Andreas Almebäck

Alice Fyles

As a ceramicist, clay is my main material. You might have come across it as the dark muck in puddles or as the slippery earth people make pots with. But, what on earth is clay? I don’t mean culturally, historically or artistically. I mean physically. Someone once mentioned tiny particles and minerals. What particles? What… Continue reading Alice Fyles

Lovisa Hed

This degree project is centred around artistic expression and the repetitive processes of the craft as a form of journal-keeping. This process is my way of documenting an everyday sadness in my life. It is a repetition that focuses on my own personal experience of this very specific feeling; my zoomed-in view on the details… Continue reading Lovisa Hed

Zara Sedin

I wanted to find out how I, as a future art and design teacher, can enable conversations and work in teaching that focus on the children and their experiences. How would children solve design problems related to their everyday environment if they had the opportunity to define their thoughts and ideas? For my degree project,… Continue reading Zara Sedin

Nhat Hoang Pham

Using installation combined with performance, I want to investigate the connection between democracy and art, and the role of artists/teachers to contribute to democracy in the school system as well as in society. In my degree project, I try to mirror the current political developments, meaning that my installation is continuously changing from day to… Continue reading Nhat Hoang Pham

Viktor Palm

My interest in in-betweenness was sparked when I was invited to participate in an artistic project for the 60th Venice Biennale by Valeria Montti Colque, who is the main artist for the Chilean Pavilion. The project is intercultural because there are different artists involved with different backgrounds. The artistic project has an intercultural idea and… Continue reading Viktor Palm

Pauline Madsen

The grading system and the grading scale in Swedish schools have changed several times over the years, and for various reasons. Despite this, problems remain, such as that grades are not equal, or that students feel stressed about not getting good enough grades and that many students fail. As a future visual arts teacher, I… Continue reading Pauline Madsen

Moa Ishizaki

My degree project is about school segregation. My experience from this placement is that student composition differs significantly between schools and that the groups we encounter in the aesthetic programmes in the upper-secondary schools are homogeneous in terms of background and where in Stockholm they grew up. According to the Swedish National Agency for Education’s… Continue reading Moa Ishizaki