Leo Malins

Changes in the way we engage with our surroundings are fundamental to overcoming social and environmental crisis. Community is central to this change and forms an essential part of a socially and environmentally sustainable future. We see ourselves as separate from our environment and from each other, when in truth we affect and depend on… Continue reading Leo Malins

Jukka Viitasara

Domestic water filtration empowered by acoustics. Waterworks typically refer to a system or facility for supplying, storing, and treating water. It encompasses the infrastructure and machinery used to collect, purify, and 
distribute water to homes, businesses, and other users. The term can also mean starting to cry, especially to gain sympathy or attention. Additionally, it… Continue reading Jukka Viitasara

Hillevi Hesseldahl

My degree project explores two possible future death rites amidst a climate crisis. Does the future of all life on planet Earth rely on human reconnection to the environment, or human innovation? In these two scenarios, the tenets of two different societies have shaped two very different ways of approaching life and death. In the… Continue reading Hillevi Hesseldahl

Fabian Hardt

A healthy industrial economy is crucial for human prosperity. However, the extractive, large-scale, linear “take-make-waste” models pose a significant threat to both the climate and human prosperity. Papershell specialises in composites based on kraft paper and a proprietary bio binder, offering a sustainable alternative to hard plastics, aluminium and glass fibre components. The challenge is… Continue reading Fabian Hardt

Christoffer Isaksson

By collecting and distributing rain and storm water, we direct our attention towards food-bearing trees, the potential of agroforestry within the urban landscape, and our perspective of time and the pace at which we live our lives.

Beata Salonen Ripa

Globalisation has given us fantastic opportunities while also contributing to the systems that most affect the climate. One of the growing environmental problems is the furniture industry, and according to the Nature Conservation Association, furniture consumption in Sweden has increased by 50% in the last ten years. I therefore decided to design a sofa to… Continue reading Beata Salonen Ripa

Ariana Drvota

My degree project aims to understand the loss of habitats for beings/creatures due to human intervention in public spaces. We occupy space when we build, whether it’s houses, public art, etc. With this sculpture/artefact, I aim to share space with more than just humans. The beings that I am working with are solitary bees. Solitary… Continue reading Ariana Drvota

Anna Gyllenklev

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the relationship between Human and Nature can be restored. It seeks to understand the dynamics that have led to our current separation from the Planet, examining the historical progression of this displacement. The aim is to shift human attitudes and practices regarding our treatment of nature,… Continue reading Anna Gyllenklev

Ting Wang

Wax batik is an ancient textile craft which creates patterns on fabric. Through the tunnel of time, wax batik carries the stories of how our ancestors negotiated their natural conditions and their societal context over a long period in history. By gazing backwards we learn about our past, and become inspired for the present and… Continue reading Ting Wang

Sanne Lovén Rolén

My work explores aspects of the hierarchy between animal and human. I aim to find out how we as humans act, and how we treat animals in a not very humanised way. How would it look if we would swap place with animals? To explain the different aspects of humanity, the work includes a symbolic… Continue reading Sanne Lovén Rolén