Emma Samuelsson

Something that was previously unattainable, yet desirable to us, was to be able to tell the future. Today, through measurements, we can foresee our destiny on this planet. We live under the burden of those calculations. As our awareness of the climate crisis has become urgent, it seems we need to start digging in our… Continue reading Emma Samuelsson

Ebba Cajsa Pielage

By monumentalizing the stages of a meal; its preparation, consumption and remains, I seek to explore how (re)construction and spatial arrangement can reflect fixed ideas and ingrained behaviors. I look back at the history of gathering around a meal. Traditions, rituals and manners. Through interpretations I shape tools that speak a body language. I want… Continue reading Ebba Cajsa Pielage

Chi Jung Lu

The project explores reflections within the relationship between surfaces, movements, and spaces that unfold over time. To me, reflection captures the surroundings and changes depending on one’s movement in present time. Light and material surfaces create depth, allowing oneself to navigate in the space through perceptual experiences. In my work I observed puddles disappearing and… Continue reading Chi Jung Lu

Ariel Kaye

Within the lifespan of the boomer generation, the mall was born, grew into its heyday in the 80’s, and now steadily declines towards what some have called its online-onset death. The difference between a building and a person, however, is that a building might still stand for another hundred years or more while we rest… Continue reading Ariel Kaye

Amanda André

Rays of sun streaming through the leaves of a tree, creating light figures on the ground like small spotlights blinding you. The flickering light disrupts your vision as you try to focus. It feels like the beams, in a childish way, are eager to find their way to the ground. You can’t escape it; you… Continue reading Amanda André

Alexandra Friberg

In my degree project, I have explored ways to deal with stress and exhaustion in today’s society and I have tried to gain a greater understanding of how interior architecture and design can promote rest and recovery. Our society tends to value productivity and long working hours, where taking breaks and needing rest can be… Continue reading Alexandra Friberg

Rita Ribeiro dos Santos

I’ve been a mountain before, that was peaceful. And a cloud, looking for flowers to water. And a big rock, helping others cross the deepest river. But, somehow, none of those was my shape… When there are so many expectations of what we should and shouldn’t be, how can we truly be ourselves? In Bob… Continue reading Rita Ribeiro dos Santos

Rasmus Eo Clarke

℅ is a space that holds and uplifts queer voices. It’s a place to occupy, engage, discuss and create collectively. Workshops and discussions will be held to mobilise publishing as activism. ℅ explores how archives and printed matter are used as a tool for resistance and mutual care. The archive is used as a container… Continue reading Rasmus Eo Clarke

Mariana Neves

What lurks in the margins of everyday life? What of ourselves do we exile beyond the borders of whom we’ve been conditioned to be? In waking life, in dreams. As Rita attends the last year of Catholic school in Leiria, Portugal, a new girl joins the class, and Rita is plagued by visions of a… Continue reading Mariana Neves

Lindsay Baker

Title IX (1972) is an American law that made it illegal for institutions receiving federal funding, such as universities and high schools, to discriminate based on sex. In the United States, sports are usually connected to schools. Consequently, the enactment of this law dramatically increased female participation in athletics and gave women a tool to… Continue reading Lindsay Baker