Mattias Karlsson (He)
Sweden , b. 1979
+46 705498460
Exhibition: 15–24 May at Konstfack

Mattias Karlsson

Långe Jan: An Indoor Allotment Garden in Kärrtorp
Mattias Karlsson
Sectional concept collage displaying the functions of the building.

Experiments in how to reprogramme an existing building and create a meaningful meeting place with local connection and relevance. The allotment garden movement came to Sweden via Denmark and Germany during the late 19th century. The purpose was to give workers a better quality of life and a place to grow food. Over time this has changed but the allotment garden movement is still strong today. I would argue that the opportunity to become partly self-sufficient and to organise the production and consumption of food is important on a social, political, and economic level, both on a local and national scale.

Through the reprogramming of an old parking garage and disused central water heating facility in Kärrtorp, I have created a spatial concept for a new type of allotment garden. The programme includes semipublic and private greenhouses, assembly rooms, restaurants, and preparation rooms for food. The space works as a local vegetable provider to members and customers and as a resource for knowledge about local small-scale gardening and food production.

Mattias Karlsson
Concept rendering of one of the allotments on floor 1.
Mattias Karlsson
Scaled down, 1:1 conceptmodel of the functions of the building.
Photo: Daniel Larsson