Heidi Edström
I have measured everything that flows in and out of my body. For one hundred and fifteen days, I have pissed and drunk from a measuring cup. And here they are, the plain numbers that reveal the real shimmering truth hidden in the golden liquid. Surely I must have managed to measure out the evil somewhere in all this data?
Let the rays stream in, as breath slows, in and out. Form this closed cycle into a square of soothing regularity. While the burning eye rotates around. Up and down. A revealing, dazzling gaze that makes it impossible to see, and not to see, the drops of sweat rising and beading on your forehead. Glistening.
And you know,
that just because the sun has risen every morning so far, there is no guarantee that it will continue to do so tomorrow, the day after tomorrow or the day after that.
'I will measure it all away, 🝕'. From MFA solo exhibition 'a circled ⦁, squared', 2024. 6x3m PVC tarp, gold pained micturition list*, gold colored eyelets. *A micturition list is a so-called 'pee diary' that documents everything I have drunk and peed over 115 days in millilitres. The columns indicate (from left to right) the date, time, fluid in, pee out, number of toilet visits per day, the daily fluid balance, how much I felt the need to pee and any urine leakage (the last two on a scale of 0-3). The results of the 115 days of measurement show, among other things, that I peed an average of 200ml more than I drank per day. Swedish: Från MFA separatutställningen 'a circled ⦁, squared', 2024. 6x3m PVC-presenning, guldmålad miktionslista*, guldfärgade öljetter. *En miktionslista är en så kallad 'kissdagbok' som dokumenterar allt jag har druckit och kissat under 115 dagar, angivet i milliliter. Kolumnerna visar (från vänster till höger) datum, tid, vätska in, kiss ut, antal toalettbesök per dag, den dagliga vätskebalansen, hur kissnödig jag kände mig och eventuellt urinläckage (de två sista på skalan 0-3). Resultatet av de 115 dagarnas mätning visar bland annat att jag i genomsnitt kissade 200 ml mer än jag drack per dag.
'something is stuck here (7 ways dandelion tea could be good for you)'. From MFA solo exhibition 'a circled ⦁, squared' 2024. Dandelion infusion tea and text piece printed as a newspaper. Swedish: Från MFA separatutställningen "a circled ⦁, squared" 2024. Te av maskrosinfusion och textverk som tryckts som en tidning.