Wendy K. Skogstad (She/her)
Lebanon , b. 1994
+46 735772576

Wendy K. Skogstad

There is a place: Forever seeking
Wendy K. Skogstad

I grew up in Lebanon and moved to Sweden 9 years ago. As part of my degree project, I’ve decided to study my cultural heritage as well as other influences I’ve had growing up, in order to break down and understand my artistic expression and define my artistic identity. My intention is to tell my story through interior architecture and furniture design, by giving form to these influences, memories and feelings that have had a big impact on who I am and how I express myself. My hope is that my project articulates the intricate emotions tied to identity transitions, immigration, change and a yearning to belong.

Wendy K. Skogstad
The process of making "There is a place/Forever seeking"
Song: Return to Versailles, by Joshua Kyan Aalampou