Kira Vertebra (She)
+46 707124337
Exhibition: 15–24 May at Konstfack

Kira Vertebra

Veiled Thresholds: Whispers Between Eros and Peril
Kira Vertebra

Veiled Thresholds: Whispers Between Eros and Peril probes the complex nature of intense emotional ties that blend deep affection with potential destruction. The installation invites viewers to confront the unseen layers of love, providing a space to articulate the profound and often unspoken experiences within such relationships. This contemplative journey questions the balance between love’s transformative power and its perilous depths.

As part of a larger series, components of this degree project are also featured at the Biennial of Contemporary Glass at the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Charleroi, Belgium, from May 23 to July 14, and at The NITIDO Gallery in Rome, from May 11 to June 15, offering further insight into the exploration of love’s multifaceted essence.

Kira Vertebra
Kira Vertebra