Leo Porramet Jittaksa (She/they)
Thailand , b. 1995
Exhibition: 16–24 May at Färgfabriken

Leo Porramet Jittaksa

Like Waiting to Eat Delicious Fruit in Summer
Leo Porramet Jittaksa
Installation view of Like Wanting to Eat Delicios Fruit in Summer

Where I came from, Love is being used as a political weapon,
to silence, to censor and even to kill because we have been instilled with a profound feeling; a peculiar combination of Love and Fear that I wouldn’t dare to write here,
so much so something has to remain untouchable.

Maybe there is something invisible I cannot eat (reach) yet.

Traces of the Cold War still remain in the minds of people who lived during those particular times, and are passed onto another generation. I may not be a direct offspring of the Cold War but I have learned how to be loved and to love others from those people.

Leo Porramet Jittaksa
Installation view of Like Wanting to Eat Delicios Fruit in Summer
Leo Porramet Jittaksa
Installation view of Inquisition