Sophia Ernestål (She/her )
Sweden , b. 1998
+46 702538899
Exhibition: 15–24 May at Konstfack

Sophia Ernestål

Funny Maple-Nose
Sophia Ernestål
Buddy WIP

I draw a girl in boxer shorts. She has a maple seed squeezed onto her nose and two more squeezed onto her nipples. I google “maple nose” to find photo references for my drawing. I find a blog post with a tutorial on how to make your own maple nose: Split the thick part in two, it is the milky latex surrounding the seed that works as a glue when you are putting the seed on your nose.

I follow the instructions.

Funny Maple-Nose is an installation with sculpture and drawing. It’s mostly about Buddy. A wooden girl with a historically mismatched sense of style, a love-letter in her hand and a funny maple nose.

Present in the work are the themes of parasocial relationships, LARP, virtual avatars and love.

Sophia Ernestål
A tail is a tail is a tail